Well, Helloooooo my dears...
First off: How ya be?
I am kinda in the middle of good and bad at this moment.
I am having a hard time with my job right now... I mean, I love the hours, the people I work with, the fact that I dont really have a boss hovering over me all of the time, but I have been asked to lie to people and its really rough. I get a lot of praise from my boss and I know the lying isnt malicious but its still hard. What do you think I should do?
So, what have I been up to?
1. Nothing lol.
2. Working.
3. I went to the aquarium of the pacific on sunday.
I got to see some awesome cephalopods which made me oh so happy. If you werent aware, I am addicted to pretty much any type of cephalopod. I told Matt James that he could have the honor of tattooing my first cephalopod on me... I think i want to get a snail of somesort...
4. Trying really hard to get my finances in order cause im sick of being stressed out by monies!!!!! Isnt everyone though? Does anyone happen to have like a grand lying around that they want to give me?!?!?
5. Nothing.
6. Trying to please both of my parents (whom are getting a divorce) by spending equal amounts of time with each of them because apparently its a problem when I am at one too often. This situation sucks because I am the only one of us kids that lives with a parent (my mommy) and i tend to get in the middle of situations that I really dont want to be in. I finally got brave and asked both of them to please leave me out of this. I hope that it wasnt the bitchy thing to do but im tyring to save myself here...
7. About to hang out with one of the besties!
Soooooo!!!! TTYL
I'll leave you with this argonaut. The shell is a protein based egg case!:
First off: How ya be?
I am kinda in the middle of good and bad at this moment.
I am having a hard time with my job right now... I mean, I love the hours, the people I work with, the fact that I dont really have a boss hovering over me all of the time, but I have been asked to lie to people and its really rough. I get a lot of praise from my boss and I know the lying isnt malicious but its still hard. What do you think I should do?
So, what have I been up to?
1. Nothing lol.
2. Working.
3. I went to the aquarium of the pacific on sunday.

4. Trying really hard to get my finances in order cause im sick of being stressed out by monies!!!!! Isnt everyone though? Does anyone happen to have like a grand lying around that they want to give me?!?!?

5. Nothing.
6. Trying to please both of my parents (whom are getting a divorce) by spending equal amounts of time with each of them because apparently its a problem when I am at one too often. This situation sucks because I am the only one of us kids that lives with a parent (my mommy) and i tend to get in the middle of situations that I really dont want to be in. I finally got brave and asked both of them to please leave me out of this. I hope that it wasnt the bitchy thing to do but im tyring to save myself here...
7. About to hang out with one of the besties!
Soooooo!!!! TTYL
I'll leave you with this argonaut. The shell is a protein based egg case!:


there are things an employee needs to know to do their job and somethings they don`t need to know,I hope the management is`nt asking you to deliberately decieve,not good

Sounds like someone needs a BeetleJuice costume party! hope you feel better soon but very good to here from you. Stay Pretty!