I got T-Boned
Stupid fucking guy in Hollywood decided to drive through a red light at around 30mph and slam into my drivers side as I pass through my green light. I didn't see him at all. The first thing I knew, there was a HUGE bang. Then my head and left shoulder slammed into the drivers side window... My head bounced off and hit again.
I was smart and wore my seatbelt as usual so my ribs are in a bit of pain. The left side of my head is pretty swollen and my body as a whole is a bit sore. I haven't gone to the Dr. yet but I have an appointment to go to my physician and a chiropractor on Monday.
My car is fucked to the max and I think that it might be a total loss. Which sucks tits because I owe on it... SO the insurance company will pay what my car is worth to the bank and my gap insurance will cover the rest, leaving me with out a car.... SHITTY.
At this point, I am scared and in a lot of pain. It sucks.
If anything like this has happened to you and you have any advice that you think I might not have yet received... Please message me. ASAP.
I now officially can't wait for 2008, so everything can start fresh...
Stupid fucking guy in Hollywood decided to drive through a red light at around 30mph and slam into my drivers side as I pass through my green light. I didn't see him at all. The first thing I knew, there was a HUGE bang. Then my head and left shoulder slammed into the drivers side window... My head bounced off and hit again.
I was smart and wore my seatbelt as usual so my ribs are in a bit of pain. The left side of my head is pretty swollen and my body as a whole is a bit sore. I haven't gone to the Dr. yet but I have an appointment to go to my physician and a chiropractor on Monday.
My car is fucked to the max and I think that it might be a total loss. Which sucks tits because I owe on it... SO the insurance company will pay what my car is worth to the bank and my gap insurance will cover the rest, leaving me with out a car.... SHITTY.
At this point, I am scared and in a lot of pain. It sucks.
If anything like this has happened to you and you have any advice that you think I might not have yet received... Please message me. ASAP.
I now officially can't wait for 2008, so everything can start fresh...

That's weird that insurance won't cover a replacement car. You could take the guy to small claims court, but that's just more stress. Hope the doctor's appointment goes okay and you get lots of awesome pain meds!