What is everyone doing for Valentine's? Anything special?
nikonjustice and I decided not to do anything special, no gifts or anything, although we've decided that we're going to go for dinner later in the month or somehing.
However, we are sticking to our usual Monday night ritual and going to Karaoke at Hooligan's (formerly Eddie's Garage). Maybe we'll sing each other a song or something.
I got the best shirt from my friend today! It's super-sheer cotton, and right across the tits it says "I have a great ass, too!". She's started an online company that sells t-shirts and undies, and she's so nice that she's given me and some friends at work some free merch! Woot!
We're listening to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" right now. It's on vinyl, and I've had it since I was about 6! Ah, remember when he was still hot & sexy and still making wicked music? It's a shame that someone who had real talent has turned into such a freakshow, and not in a good or cool way. Bah!
Well, that's all for now.
Again, happy v-day, all!
edited to add: Electro Quarterstaff kicked ass on Saturday night! Woot!
rob bought me a gerbera daisy. they're my favorite.
thats about it.
it was still a really nice day.
and yes i've read 'going solo'. i just like the part about the mouse in the candy jar so much (in boy). i have a few of his books actually... mathilda, charlie and the chocolate factory, james and the giant peach, and the witches.the witches is my newest, and its a good one too.
ok talk to you more later. i'm burning some french fries for supper...