My girl , mentholgrrl is okay.
what a fucking weekend.
what a fucking life.
I am so relieved she is okay.
so relieved she doens't hate me.
that maybe she understands how I feel for once.
for real.
that this can only mean an even better kind of love betwen us.
it will be hard.
never perfect.
no love is.
but when you finally get the hope that the one you care for will become what you see in her.
the wonderufl good things you see in her,
the stuff that makes her friends happy and giggle, that makes people ask after her, that makes people wonder where she is, marvel at her talent, hope for her to come back, decide its boring without her...
all these things that you know and everyone else knows, but her.
Mentholgrrl, maybe now you will see yourself for all the great wonderful things we see in and love about you...
Push aside all the muck and see how fucking cool you are, and why you should be you
all of us.
cause we love YOU
ALL the parts of you
Even the ones that make us crazy.
you and i have the same birthday! how about that.
same year, too.
what time were you born?!