well, i feel like i was missed. thanks guys! nothing new to really report. boring life. i did shoot a wedding with an awesome photographer over the weekend. he told me i can use any of the pics to build up a portfolio. that is so great of him because most photographers wouldn't let you. he also said i can use his studio whenever i want! i love him!!! i'm wicked psyched! i'm going to see "The Used" tomorrow night! a friend of mine is the photographer who shoots there, so hopefully i'll get to meet them. i'm in love with burt. i hear he's a dick though. i guess we'll see.... i hope everyone is doing good. unfortunetly i don't have time to read any journals tonight. i have an early morning, shooting a preschool. not fun....

and yea, bert is a dick. but he does tend to be nicer to good looking chicks, so thats a plus for you!