wow, what a great weekend. i got in a fight with a friend on account of her, being a total fucking cunt! she tried lying to me and i called her out on it. she threw a fit and said "that's it, i'm leaving." my response was, "see ya!!!" (she has pulled that crap with me before. i bought into it and told her not to leave. fuck her. i'm not her boyfriend and i'm not playing games with her!) she spit on my car door handle. she has absolutely no class, what so ever. it would never even occur to me, to do anything like that. i have a feeling this is not over. my intuition told me not to trust her a long time ago, but i didn't listen. the thing that sucks the most is that she goes to hallmark now. i had planned on going for the print exhibit and stuff like that. i probably still will but, will feel pretty uncomfortable. oh well i'm not going to let her get the best of me. i have all ready spent too much time in shock over her actions.
sorry that i dropped off the face of the earth for a while. planning our concert is a bitch. but the show is over and i am back in the world, so good times!
hope you are well!!!