i can't believe the woman who fired me, is trying to screw me out of money! she fired me and i understood. i still thought she was a nice woman. i finally got my check today, but it was short. i called her and was very nice and to the point. she said "well, to be honest it's not really a concern of mine. i'll get around to looking into it, when i can" then she had the nerve to say "when i call, can you at least answer your phone. oh, it's about money, so of couse you'll answer it." i was like, i have two kids that need to eat, so yes i'll answer my phone. she laughed at me like i was an idiot and said "it's going to be a couple weeks." i said, i'm sure it will. you seem to have a habbit of trying to screw people out of money. she hung up on me. she knows i'm right. a girl i used to work with, worked for this bitch right before i did. she got fired, and bitch made her wait weeks before she paid her. she told me about it and was laughing about making her wait and for being rude to her. karen threatened to call the labor board and bitch laughed at her. it's not even a lot of money that she owes me, but i'm not a volunteer. i hated going there and i should get paid what i deserve. her being a bitch makes it that much worse.
i am so mad. i don't think she needed to be rude to me. who the hell does she think she is?!? fucking old bag!!!

talked to a friend yesterday and found out about the whole q & c thing... i guess that they played a best of bit while they were on vacation.. it was a bit that they have played a bunch of times before. anyways, one of the vp's of the company happened to be in town and heard it and flipped his shit.. they were just going to fire steve and d4w (the producer) but quinn took some responsibility and they all walked off together... all in all i dont think they are that bummed about it. they have wanted out for a while and now they can go together (they had staggered contracts) and go to a bigger market...
so that is that....
hope your weekend is a good one!