well, what to say?!?
i am staying positive, all though i am being tested. mind over matter, i guess. my children are happy and healthy and that is the most i could ever ask for!
it occured to me today, that i have a really bad work history and that sucks. i had to lie a little on my work references today.the job i just had i got fired from for being unreliable (shocking).the job before that, i was out with a hurt back for about a month. they schedualed me to work thanksgiving and never told me so i didn't go. i thought
about calling to ask, but of course
i was too lazy. they called and left a message saying i was a no-call-no-show, and i was fired. the job before that i drove up to work and sat outside in my car, fighting with myself to go in. i couldn't make myself. i left. needless to say, i was again a no-call-no-show...
i am a loser.... and i never believed all those people
i hate taking care of sick, old , smelly, rotting people. i guess i am just a heartless bitch!!! look out...
i think i worked in the health field too long and it hardened my heart. it's hard to grow close to people and watch them die.
i tip my hat to anyone in the health care field!!!! may god be with you!!!!
i am staying positive, all though i am being tested. mind over matter, i guess. my children are happy and healthy and that is the most i could ever ask for!
it occured to me today, that i have a really bad work history and that sucks. i had to lie a little on my work references today.the job i just had i got fired from for being unreliable (shocking).the job before that, i was out with a hurt back for about a month. they schedualed me to work thanksgiving and never told me so i didn't go. i thought
about calling to ask, but of course
i was too lazy. they called and left a message saying i was a no-call-no-show, and i was fired. the job before that i drove up to work and sat outside in my car, fighting with myself to go in. i couldn't make myself. i left. needless to say, i was again a no-call-no-show...
i am a loser.... and i never believed all those people

i think i worked in the health field too long and it hardened my heart. it's hard to grow close to people and watch them die.
i tip my hat to anyone in the health care field!!!! may god be with you!!!!
i hope that it will all pass sooner rather than later.. just keep your head up and good things will come your way!
sending you good thoughts...