nothing new. just taking school portraits and shooting some weddings. staying out of trouble and getting a little bored with it... hope everyone is doing good and causing trouble, for me....
yeah i heard about the new guys a few weeks ago... i also heard that they were absolutely fucking AWFUL!!!!! oh well, fuck them and lazer!!
i will hit you up if we are going to be hanging.. i know that corrie will be working some while i am there, so i am not all that sure what our schedules will be like..
so. i am old. i went to the used on wed. night. i insisted on going down on the floor. i have always loved the excitement of pushing your way up to the front and the adrenaline of a really good pit. i hated it! it was not fun anymore. i had people sweating on me. one guy insisted on resting his big fucking arm... Read More
dont sweat it...youre not getting old, youre just not as immature as you used to be. trust me, every now and again i'll try to be the way i was when I was 15 and sure enough it dont work. I find more pleasure in fucking with the kids at the shows than trying to get up front. If you really want to have fun, start fights, kids today are scared shitless of people who try and start shit....
well, i feel like i was missed. thanks guys! nothing new to really report. boring life. i did shoot a wedding with an awesome photographer over the weekend. he told me i can use any of the pics to build up a portfolio. that is so great of him because most photographers wouldn't let you. he also said i can use his studio whenever i... Read More
havent checked in for a while... how are you doing? how are things in easthampton? i was back in noho last weekend for a wedding. it was so beautiful to see the fall and the leaves and all... i can only assume that it is even prettier now.
ooh get cocked eh? i hope that plan went over well! lol... er and umm thank you for the comment.
I am just afraid that im too unstable to manage another bomb falling. I dont know if i could take it or something, but maybe i will just like i always do i have nooo idea.
my mothers from here and i wanted see some of the fam i never get to see and i really do not want to be one of those people who never lived outside the town they grew up in.basically i just wanted a change meet diff people and just try something new.
yay! my website is all fixed!!! it has only taken months, but it's done! chech it out!!! so i had a great day of revenge. i went to hallmark with a friend who graduated with me. we seen jessica (the girl who spit all over my car) funny, she had nothing to say today,as she passed me and pretended not to see me. we just... Read More
thank god it's friday! i am so tired from working all week. i've had really early mornings (5;00, 5;25, etc.). next week i interview for a digital specialist job at the same place where i'm working. it's a lot of retouching and downloading the days photos. it' not temporary like the job i'm doing now. i think i would like it. i have experience so... Read More
i will hit you up if we are going to be hanging.. i know that corrie will be working some while i am there, so i am not all that sure what our schedules will be like..
hope that all is well!!