it's really amazing how i can talk to a friend and feel so much better afterwards! i just talked to a friend from school that i miss very much. it was nice to hear his voice. thank god for friends....
Thursday is the only day I can't meet. Wednesday I have daytime or after about 8pm, Friday I have pretty free, and the weekend looks good so far. Let me know if any of those work for you. Hope you feel better miao!!
its alright... she's having a hard time right now and it sucks that i cant be there for her so that puts a bit of stress on things... but she is coming out here on the 18th, so that will be nice! smile

outside of that, not much else to report... sick of my job right now... want to get out of ohio in the worst way... so, long story short, i guess that i am in a bit of a rut right now.... oh well..... wink
so, i ran into someone i really didn't want to see, so soon. it's obvious i am not doing as good as i should be. self medicating is getting old. this is not where i ever thought i would be at 26. anyways, i hope they didn't see the tears in my eyes... tried to act strong, and failed...surreal: surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal surreal
sorry that things are rough... frown

sometimes, it has been my experience, putting on that strong front can do more damage than good. im not advocating totally losing it or anything, but allowing yourself to simply FEEL what you are experiencing can help you get out of a rut...

sending you good thoughts and hugs smile smile smile smile smile smile
Yeah,It really is sometimes but you will be fine.
Cry if you wanna,Scream if you gotta.
Fuck the neighbors,Let it out!
trying not to feel
men stare
women gossip
fuck them
trying not to feel
why can't i, be me?
no, i don't want a drink
go away
let me, be...
you can be you around me if you are ever bored, im sittin around and im always a kind friend (er i think unless you piss me off and do somethin really mean of course)
Blank eyes
Screaming soul
Sinking into the abyss of darkness
Flowing into the depth of blackness within
Reentering my state of complete indifference
Comfortable feelings recapture me
Questioning how i let happiness take hold
I vow to fight it next time
Pain is, knowing what i'm without
Screaming soul
Build back the walls of my being.
Make them higher, thicker, stronger
sounds like the feelings i put in my poems smile
i will never find myself in this place again! it's not amusing. i will deny myself happiness, to save myself from these feelings. my soul is desperate to feel, but my head is smarter now. my heart is slowly healing and will go back to being the color of the night.
sorry i didn't get back to you. the job isn't any time soon, i'll keep you posted.
hey girly, if you need help with your website, i'll be online all night, so you can AIM me at tracykay13 if you want smile
life is great!!!! kiss blush kiss blush kiss blush kiss blush kiss blush kiss
Share the joy!
biggrin biggrin biggrin
YAY!!!!! smile smile smile i'm happy for you!!!
so, nothing new except, a bat was laying on the sidewalk. i happened to see it as i was stepping over it. i screamed. the bat flew up, hit me in the crotch, and fell to the ground where it remained. i screamed and looked like a total tool, with a bunch of constuction workers directly across the street. did i mention it was during...
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what the hell it posted two of the same exact messages on me... well ? since i cant delete this one ill just edit it and make it somethin different

[Edited on Aug 22, 2004 9:27AM]
wow!!! what a day... eeek
Hey there, sounds like you have been having crazy times with work. I wish I had enough work to go around for you. I might get a studio at the end of September, Holyoke or Easthampton. The I will need to drum up some extra business. I feel confident I can though. Keep at it!

take care,
you can email quinn at quinn@quinnradio.com..

basically, they played a bit during their "best of" show that they had done a bunch of times however, this time one of the regional VP's was in town, heard it, and flipped his shit. it was the sunday night sex calls bit with the old lady saying penis and vagina.. nothing too bad. i also know that the program director was a bit too eager to get them off the air (as he is trying to get all of the staff that was there under our old boss out so he can bring in all of his own folks. ) needless to say, it was/is a bit shady..

hope you have a great weekend.. if you talk to quinn, tell him to call me....
i can't believe the woman who fired me, is trying to screw me out of money! she fired me and i understood. i still thought she was a nice woman. i finally got my check today, but it was short. i called her and was very nice and to the point. she said "well, to be honest it's not really a concern of mine. i'll...
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that sucks mad sorry that lady is being such a bitch.... not good times..

talked to a friend yesterday and found out about the whole q & c thing... i guess that they played a best of bit while they were on vacation.. it was a bit that they have played a bunch of times before. anyways, one of the vp's of the company happened to be in town and heard it and flipped his shit.. they were just going to fire steve and d4w (the producer) but quinn took some responsibility and they all walked off together... all in all i dont think they are that bummed about it. they have wanted out for a while and now they can go together (they had staggered contracts) and go to a bigger market...

so that is that....

hope your weekend is a good one! smile smile
oh my god! i am sooooo drunk! ouch....., this is going to hurt in the morning! eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek
hope that this morning is not too evil for you wink
"no one knows what it's like
to feel these feelings,
like i do.
and i blame you"(behind blue eyes)

why is there something comforting for me, in feeling awful?!?
Are you computer savvy with the mac? We might need someone for the studio, is why I'm asking.
damn skippy....i say we should keep them as pets and use then and discard them as often as we want.................