this exerpt is from an old email my baby sent her buddy
I believe artists live forever on the sidelines of society, whether or not they actually interact with non-artist types or not, they are almost exiled from the land of the normal every day people as far as true living goes.
Artists see everything almost peripherally. Their perspectives are absolutely magnified and enhanced by the working (and trappings) of their minds, so much so that a building, skyline, train, tree, flower, what have you, are never seen simply as such. There is always a third dimension, something more, something to capture and transfer into art.
It is a curse in some ways. Because the mind of an artist never shuts down. It is always reeling, creating, analyzing, metamorphosing. Therefore, artists are damned to relate fully without explanation or judgment solely with one another.
This being because, the minds of non-artists do not work this way at all. Those minds work with rationale and reason and facts and surface value. They dont question and dive deep into the utter depth of things. They do not (as artists forcibly do) waste their time tearing down societys definitions and rules in an effort to recreate themselves or their own reality. This causes barriers in many ways. Because artists seem slightly (or massively depending on the individual) insane to those who do not view the world that way.
I try to approach those who I know do not think as we do, by telling them up front that I am crazy. This takes the responsibility off of them when they simply do not get what I am saying, what I am thinking, what I have created or chosen to share. If it is easier for them to just walk away shaking their heads and thinking I am insane, so be it.
But I have to laugh when one of them accidentally gets caught in my head. Because I am a deceptive artist.
When you have an exterior design that is attractive, all walks of life are lured in. And hahahahahaha, I am sitting in my office laughing out loud right now. They just have absolutely NO idea what they are in for until they get me to open my mouth OUTSIDE of the office walls, and let them in, even if only slightly on who I really am and then they are just freaked out.
Now if I were still living in Bohemian rhapsody Venice Beach with the art and artists du jour, the whole package, pretty face, boobies, ever running mind and all would be acceptable and no one would think twice. If anything, we would all sit around drinking coffee at Lulus Alibi swapping theories and dreams and ambitions and inanities.
But here, in the life of corporate America, I am just a pretty girl who is perceived as insane.
Because they just dont get me.
I am an artist.
I believe artists live forever on the sidelines of society, whether or not they actually interact with non-artist types or not, they are almost exiled from the land of the normal every day people as far as true living goes.
Artists see everything almost peripherally. Their perspectives are absolutely magnified and enhanced by the working (and trappings) of their minds, so much so that a building, skyline, train, tree, flower, what have you, are never seen simply as such. There is always a third dimension, something more, something to capture and transfer into art.
It is a curse in some ways. Because the mind of an artist never shuts down. It is always reeling, creating, analyzing, metamorphosing. Therefore, artists are damned to relate fully without explanation or judgment solely with one another.
This being because, the minds of non-artists do not work this way at all. Those minds work with rationale and reason and facts and surface value. They dont question and dive deep into the utter depth of things. They do not (as artists forcibly do) waste their time tearing down societys definitions and rules in an effort to recreate themselves or their own reality. This causes barriers in many ways. Because artists seem slightly (or massively depending on the individual) insane to those who do not view the world that way.
I try to approach those who I know do not think as we do, by telling them up front that I am crazy. This takes the responsibility off of them when they simply do not get what I am saying, what I am thinking, what I have created or chosen to share. If it is easier for them to just walk away shaking their heads and thinking I am insane, so be it.
But I have to laugh when one of them accidentally gets caught in my head. Because I am a deceptive artist.
When you have an exterior design that is attractive, all walks of life are lured in. And hahahahahaha, I am sitting in my office laughing out loud right now. They just have absolutely NO idea what they are in for until they get me to open my mouth OUTSIDE of the office walls, and let them in, even if only slightly on who I really am and then they are just freaked out.
Now if I were still living in Bohemian rhapsody Venice Beach with the art and artists du jour, the whole package, pretty face, boobies, ever running mind and all would be acceptable and no one would think twice. If anything, we would all sit around drinking coffee at Lulus Alibi swapping theories and dreams and ambitions and inanities.
But here, in the life of corporate America, I am just a pretty girl who is perceived as insane.
Because they just dont get me.
I am an artist.
25 degrees. HellCat's should hibernate...
25 degrees. HellCat's should hibernate...