............hmmmm I could just bitter and pissed off by the consumerism of the hoiliday.......or I could just be gleeful about the holiday...........I am going to marinate on that for a bit and get back to you.....
More Blogs
Monday Dec 22, 2003
I sure do spell bad under a gridlock of Philadelphia I have never s… -
Monday Dec 22, 2003
............hmmmm I could just bitter and pissed off by the consumeri… -
Friday Dec 19, 2003
I live in a house of sickness-- The child has been sick the lady-is… -
Tuesday Dec 16, 2003
Rand is a fucking hack....life is good........chat rooms are lame....… -
Saturday Dec 13, 2003
take out food, and The Lord of the Rings.....we might never come back… -
Thursday Dec 11, 2003
The rain pisses down........and why the fuck do they play that stupid… -
Monday Dec 08, 2003
..................Stray kitties underneath a crisp moonlit sky......o… -
Saturday Dec 06, 2003
Underneath a Philly skyline and a garden of bamboo...I sit-freezing m… -
Thursday Dec 04, 2003
BLAH BLAH........BLAH ....BLAH....BLAH,,,,,BLAH.....boxed wine....BLA… -
Wednesday Dec 03, 2003
Well...we have finally moved...now it is a matter of figuring out wha…
the consumerism sucks, yes...
but that warm, fuzzy feeling we get, seeing the lights on houses, wrapping gifts, sappy songs from your childhood, all that makes it worth it to me...
expecting me to break into...."whiskers on kittens, blue satin sashes, snowflakes on your nose and eyelashes"??
talk over the next coupla days hopefully sir....
taking care of that hellkitten i hope!!
give my best to fellow haddon-ite girlie girl!