Tiny and fragileErzsebet has a big new tattoo from shoulder to elbow. Now she's waiting for the fall to color it.
It makes me think of this:
On tuesday we went to see Suma playing at the Magnolia. Those swedish guys are the shit. Sweden...oh boy! I'm jealous, they are great at everything they are doing.
Anyway Suma play some heavy psychedelic music. Check...
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It makes me think of this:
On tuesday we went to see Suma playing at the Magnolia. Those swedish guys are the shit. Sweden...oh boy! I'm jealous, they are great at everything they are doing.
Anyway Suma play some heavy psychedelic music. Check...
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She loves me when I'm wasted, she loves me when I tell her terrible things, she loves me when I tell her to show her tits in public, she loves me when I want to cut her in little pieces, she loves me when I make her choke, she loves me when i bite her face, she loves me when I break her ribs, she...
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deep. weird. whatever floats your boat man

hmm.. you describe metal in a very very wired way o.O
I'm officially on holiday. yepyepyep
not much to tell about:
- it's way too hot for me...so I tend to sleep a lot.
- Erzsebet and I are waiting to visit her parents in Locorotondo, Puglia. It will be nice and I'm sure I will relax, eat, relax, eat, relax and eat eat eat.
- we've been to the Adolescents gig and it was nice....
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not much to tell about:
- it's way too hot for me...so I tend to sleep a lot.
- Erzsebet and I are waiting to visit her parents in Locorotondo, Puglia. It will be nice and I'm sure I will relax, eat, relax, eat, relax and eat eat eat.
- we've been to the Adolescents gig and it was nice....
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This morning at the Como station I was staring at 2 japanese girls that took pics around....you know...there is nothing worthy enough to take pics there. It's just an ugly station with nothing around.
ahhhhhhh those japanese....weird people for sure.
But I had so much fun the 20 days I spent in Tokyo 2 years ago. Damn...it was bizarre.
I like what this american guy...
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ahhhhhhh those japanese....weird people for sure.
But I had so much fun the 20 days I spent in Tokyo 2 years ago. Damn...it was bizarre.
I like what this american guy...
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ho iniziato a cucinare adesso, ehehe.
magari dopo faccio un giro fuori, a caccia di una brocca.
nemmeno io navigo nel fiume dell'amicizia.
la mia attenzione te l'assorbi tutta tu.
probabilmente siamo un'insopportabile coppietta, agli occhi del resto del mondo :p
magari dopo faccio un giro fuori, a caccia di una brocca.
nemmeno io navigo nel fiume dell'amicizia.
la mia attenzione te l'assorbi tutta tu.
probabilmente siamo un'insopportabile coppietta, agli occhi del resto del mondo :p
ricordati delle pubbliche relazioni
ricordati che presto ci sar da pubblicizzare il tour delle svetlanas
indipercui, v a profondere un po' del tuo fascino svizzero in giro per questo sito :p
ricordati che presto ci sar da pubblicizzare il tour delle svetlanas
indipercui, v a profondere un po' del tuo fascino svizzero in giro per questo sito :p