It's been a while since my last blog...but then I don't think you really care about my random thoughts, do you?
Anyway. I went to the Dinosaur jr. gig last friday. All in all it was awesome and at least for once the club was quite packed. Mascis is pretty much authistic but oh boy...what a wall of sound he can deliver.
What a jump in the early '90s for me. Lovely.
I wrote a review for it and of course the owner of the club stumbled across it and complained about it.
Aahahaha...of course I wasn't very politically correct but hey...if you do so reviews are boring.
Oh well...irony is a dead scene (should listen to that album now)
Got good news from the hospital. seems that my brain is still ok.
I just got a little lesion, it might be genetic, it might be a present from a fight. I shouldn't worry too much about it anyway.
- the new Poison The Well record is ok. but nothing to remember. I miss The Opposite of December. They are coming to Milan with Rise Against and Thursday. Nothing to be very excited but I might go
- the new A Place To Bury Strangers record is damn cool. Better than the first one. And live are even better. So I'm definitely excited to see them back here.
- the new Health record seems to be nice. Cool live band as well.
The summer is finally gone. Welcome back cold rainy days!
I look like an octopus!

Anyway. I went to the Dinosaur jr. gig last friday. All in all it was awesome and at least for once the club was quite packed. Mascis is pretty much authistic but oh boy...what a wall of sound he can deliver.
What a jump in the early '90s for me. Lovely.
I wrote a review for it and of course the owner of the club stumbled across it and complained about it.
Aahahaha...of course I wasn't very politically correct but hey...if you do so reviews are boring.
Oh well...irony is a dead scene (should listen to that album now)
Got good news from the hospital. seems that my brain is still ok.
I just got a little lesion, it might be genetic, it might be a present from a fight. I shouldn't worry too much about it anyway.
- the new Poison The Well record is ok. but nothing to remember. I miss The Opposite of December. They are coming to Milan with Rise Against and Thursday. Nothing to be very excited but I might go
- the new A Place To Bury Strangers record is damn cool. Better than the first one. And live are even better. So I'm definitely excited to see them back here.
- the new Health record seems to be nice. Cool live band as well.
The summer is finally gone. Welcome back cold rainy days!
I look like an octopus!

questo mi ricorda di ringraziarti per il vinile!
ero vagamente interessato al concertto dei dinosaur jr, poi me ne sono scordato. mi sa che non ero cos interessato. alla prossima