...so I'm in Puglia with Erzsebet. One more week and then we're driving back to Milan.
So far it has been totally nice. We relax a lot, we eat great food and we watch her mother's bf (actually husband since they got married in Las Vegas) playing poker....
Locorotondo is a tiny town so there isn't much to do. basically we just go out for a drink and everybody is staring at us...I guess we are the weirdos.
We went to the Brujeria gig as well...it was hilarious. They played in the middle of nowhere. it looked like Mexico, but no cactus nor snakes. And no people as well, maybe 100/150 people. The stage almost collapsed before the show...it was funny anyway. We met Daphne there. Cute girl by the way.
Ohhh...we went to the sea as well...haven't been in years but I can still swim.
Nothing else....we are the lazy ones.

So far it has been totally nice. We relax a lot, we eat great food and we watch her mother's bf (actually husband since they got married in Las Vegas) playing poker....
Locorotondo is a tiny town so there isn't much to do. basically we just go out for a drink and everybody is staring at us...I guess we are the weirdos.
We went to the Brujeria gig as well...it was hilarious. They played in the middle of nowhere. it looked like Mexico, but no cactus nor snakes. And no people as well, maybe 100/150 people. The stage almost collapsed before the show...it was funny anyway. We met Daphne there. Cute girl by the way.
Ohhh...we went to the sea as well...haven't been in years but I can still swim.
Nothing else....we are the lazy ones.