Well, I'm feeling much better now. My head is still a little stuffy, but other then that I'm doing fine. Best of all I didn't get really sick. I was able to avoid gettin gthe cough & sick stomoch that my brother has. I just had an annoying head cold is all. YIPPY!
I was able to find some cute glow in the dark books for Sabastian for Christmas.
It surprised me! I couldn't find any glow in the dark books at any book stores I went to. At least nothign with in his age limit (He's 2yo). But I found a Cliford the big red dog glowing book & one of the night sky. He just really digs the glowing picuters when Malissa reads him a bed time story.
Now I just have to go back to Babies "R" Us & turn in the size 3T's for size 4T's. I bout them for Chistmas, so he hasen't worn them or anything. Duh right, I haven't even sent them. But when I told Mailssa the size I got she addviced on going for the 4T because he'll be out of the 3T in a month or so. No point spending all that money on cloths he'll only fit for a few short months, right?
I had to cancel my appointment with Scott yesterday.
It was raining & the windsheild wipers aren't working right. Lets just hope it isen't raining next week as well.I really want t have more wor done on the band tat. As well as have any touch ups done on the Kanji tat that need doing. I don't take solid black ink every well. It always scaps up really bad & I lose some of the color. And that always looks bad when you have gray spots in the middel of a deep black tattoo. It's kind of odd thoe, because I take normal colors just fine, but black always scaps off. I'm gogin to have to remember to ask Scott if that is normal. It's one of the main resons I haven't gotten any gray scale tattos yet. Idon't want to have to go over the tattoo like 3 times just to make sure that the shading is right.
Well I must get to cleaning. I don't get it! The house don't vaccum it's self! What a rip off
Have a great weekend!
I was able to find some cute glow in the dark books for Sabastian for Christmas.

Now I just have to go back to Babies "R" Us & turn in the size 3T's for size 4T's. I bout them for Chistmas, so he hasen't worn them or anything. Duh right, I haven't even sent them. But when I told Mailssa the size I got she addviced on going for the 4T because he'll be out of the 3T in a month or so. No point spending all that money on cloths he'll only fit for a few short months, right?
I had to cancel my appointment with Scott yesterday.

Well I must get to cleaning. I don't get it! The house don't vaccum it's self! What a rip off

Have a great weekend!
Thanks for your comment on the news thread. I know what you mean about your great Grandma... it sounds almost like the exact same situation. Sad, isn't it?