I feel like crap today, have for the past few days. I think I'm coming down with something.
I'm not lookign forward to this. It takes alot for me to get sick. I can take care of a house hold full of people with the flu with out getting it my self. FYI I never get the flu shots, let your body do it's work like it should is my feeling.
However on the rare occaions that I do get sick, it knocks me flat. I'm hoping I can just kinda push past it like I do some times. Other wise I get to look forward to spending alot of time in a rather uncomfertable bed.

I'm not lookign forward to this. It takes alot for me to get sick. I can take care of a house hold full of people with the flu with out getting it my self. FYI I never get the flu shots, let your body do it's work like it should is my feeling.
However on the rare occaions that I do get sick, it knocks me flat. I'm hoping I can just kinda push past it like I do some times. Other wise I get to look forward to spending alot of time in a rather uncomfertable bed.
I never did do the coloring book thing... but I'm still thinking about it. I'm trying to decide whether or not I should get something academic & grown up... like the Anatomy coloring book... or if I should go for something a little less mental.. like one of those BIG FAT COLORING BOOKS you find at the grocery store full of pillowy pictures of elephants and seals balancing balls on their noses.
The planets were aligned rather favorably over the last month.. and now they are moving into a sort of stagnant position.. so that a lot of people (myself included) have been somewhat gently nudged from their pedestals onto the ground in the doggy-style position (that would be the receiving end). Hopefully December will be a little better.
Let me know how you are.
Congrats on the new tat, by the way. And on moving back to SF! When did you decide to do that?
I was looking at your pics... you're such a thinker. There aren't very many of us that think about the small things in big ways... and, you know, actually value that.
Feel well.