meh... I have this pattern I drew a year ago for a stained glass window I want to make... it's sort of a nighttime landscape with some mountains in the background...
never really been happy with my rendering of these mountains so I keep redrawing them... I'd redraw them then set the drawing aside for a few months to decide if I liked the new version... but recently I've become a bit more obsessed with this project...
figuring that adding colors might help me decide what version I liked, I scanned the drawing and colored it in paintshop pro... but it was just on the screen, different than looking at it life size and in real life..
so now I've done two pastel paintings, and decided to redraw the mountains again... now time for a couple more pastel paintings... then acrylics, then oil, and finaly stained glass if I ever find a version I like. looking forward to trying oil paints, haven't used them before... I haven't done any painting since '95 and am looking forward to trying it again.
? duh.. ummm, what's a lucha?
never really been happy with my rendering of these mountains so I keep redrawing them... I'd redraw them then set the drawing aside for a few months to decide if I liked the new version... but recently I've become a bit more obsessed with this project...
figuring that adding colors might help me decide what version I liked, I scanned the drawing and colored it in paintshop pro... but it was just on the screen, different than looking at it life size and in real life..
so now I've done two pastel paintings, and decided to redraw the mountains again... now time for a couple more pastel paintings... then acrylics, then oil, and finaly stained glass if I ever find a version I like. looking forward to trying oil paints, haven't used them before... I haven't done any painting since '95 and am looking forward to trying it again.