1) 1 Can of JooSe 9.9% alcohol
2) 1 Glass of 1/3 Vodka, 1/3 White Rum?& 1/3 Orange Juice
3) 4 Shots of Vanilla 180
4) 1 Cup of Mixed Fruity Alcohol
5) 4 Cans of Beer
6) 5 Glorious Rounds of Beer Pong
7) 1 Shotgunned Beer
8) Less then 2 hrs sleep
9) No hangover
10) Remembers Everything
11) Knowing that all this had little effect at all, only signifies that I moved to the big leagues ... damn, I'm going to miss being a cheap lightweight
2) 1 Glass of 1/3 Vodka, 1/3 White Rum?& 1/3 Orange Juice
3) 4 Shots of Vanilla 180
4) 1 Cup of Mixed Fruity Alcohol
5) 4 Cans of Beer
6) 5 Glorious Rounds of Beer Pong
7) 1 Shotgunned Beer
8) Less then 2 hrs sleep
9) No hangover
10) Remembers Everything
11) Knowing that all this had little effect at all, only signifies that I moved to the big leagues ... damn, I'm going to miss being a cheap lightweight
jumper was weird, i was lost, haha...
it's like they edited out some crucial parts or something...
all i know is, i was very headachy afterwards...
yeah, it was a bit much to take in...
it literally jumped around from scene to scene...
plus, my rash was apparently forming during that movie...
so i was not only super hot and uncomfortable, but my head was spinning, haha...
oh well...
and thank you...