It is 2am here and I am bored. I work in 8 hours but I don't feel the need to sleep yet. In the distance I hear the spanish channel, but I vaguely can understand what are they saying. I've taken 5 years of spanish, all broken up within an 8 year time frame. I want those hours back from those 5 years in spanish class. Maybe with those few hours I've gained back, I can find a remedy for world peace, then quickly throw it all away as I influence weapons of mass destruction, humanity. I should do something more productive, I'm going to sleep. Oh yeah, and Silent Hills, spooky but not that scary, damn that distinction. Good Nite.
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To answer your message, the most recent episode I saw was 19 I think, it was a Bernard/Rose one...and it was rather good...and from what I hear, it's not ccming back until May?!
I curse your country's TV seasons.