"Get Nailed"
"To hunt in packs to feed give US what we need"
"Jesus was a only child" Don't step on me because I have a brother, and all my friends have brothers----Good vs evil does not have anything to do with who you prey to, or pray on-it is the strugle and did we learn from it
"Every bodys bad and every bodys tough, but how many people are intelegent enuff, to open up there eyes and see threw the lies naught many"
Would you like that in context"These are poems circulating across the nation" KRS1
This ones going out to chavette and the may river
"Some say lifes a game, but I am not playing"-the bull god
It has been hard for me to write lately because the pen is suppose to be mighter than the sword, but a friend told me that the pen did not change just the paper
People ask me why I hold the knife to my neck? I am just so destraught that I have to get my kink on just get off
"I am not singing this for you"-------Bright Eyes
In closeing-
If you think the voice of god is not real, just ask the devils wife; she beats him on a daily bases- still like the weather?
"""Don't mind if it hurts the secrets up are skirts"""horror pops
underlying moral "obey we have guns"
"To hunt in packs to feed give US what we need"
"Jesus was a only child" Don't step on me because I have a brother, and all my friends have brothers----Good vs evil does not have anything to do with who you prey to, or pray on-it is the strugle and did we learn from it
"Every bodys bad and every bodys tough, but how many people are intelegent enuff, to open up there eyes and see threw the lies naught many"
Would you like that in context"These are poems circulating across the nation" KRS1
This ones going out to chavette and the may river
"Some say lifes a game, but I am not playing"-the bull god
It has been hard for me to write lately because the pen is suppose to be mighter than the sword, but a friend told me that the pen did not change just the paper
People ask me why I hold the knife to my neck? I am just so destraught that I have to get my kink on just get off
"I am not singing this for you"-------Bright Eyes
In closeing-
If you think the voice of god is not real, just ask the devils wife; she beats him on a daily bases- still like the weather?
"""Don't mind if it hurts the secrets up are skirts"""horror pops
underlying moral "obey we have guns"