I hate not being able to write
it feels like ive got my mouth wide open and i'm pushing to scream but nothing comes out
this is the longest ive gone without writing something i'm happy with for as long as i can remember.
and i may be drunk, but i'm also just tired.
tired of everything being, in one way or another out of...
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Disclaimer: the following was written by and for my ego

I'm getting unwillingly strong, I almost feel like meat when I look in the mirror, sean meat.
tomorrow I'll take a picture after I finish working out, I dont really mind it but its nice to know if I need to defend myself or my friends I might have a hand to play or a...
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been working out again, which means my room is littered with water bottles and deep breaths between 40 sit up sets.
still nothing to write about.
still writers block.
tegan and sara is the best music to work out to, always has been.
going away party on friday and going away on wednesday.
I'm looking forward to getting out of this city full of fruitless...
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God I cant wait to get out of this house.
the breath I take after I sell that car will be one of the best.
we are six days into me having a place to live in the place I wish to live.
I have to wait another 17.
everything feels like its decaying, that the best that orange county has to offer me has...
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Suicide Fridays are FUN!! WOOT WOOT!

work in a half an hour, because Im broke.
I told a girl the other day I made 100 in tips, this is true.
She asked where I worked.
I told her I stripped. This is false.
she believed me. This is true
I told her it pays the bills. this is false.
she hasnt called me back.
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did you know? you have words that could kill a girl and lips that could bring her back to life.
so heres whats new
I have 700 dollars saved i hope to have at least 1200 by mid may
sell my car for 4000
buy a tercel or corola for 1200
move to SF with 4000 and a shitty car by earliest may 20th
get a job get a job get a job do not sleep before I get a job.

I also bought two...
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I miss my friend, its been over a month.
I wish i was in san francisco, so tired of watching tv in my room and or walking on the treadmill so my anxiety doesnt disable me.
This may very well be the slowest spring break ive ever.
I really dont like tyra banks, I must be masochistic for watching this.
I'm really proud of...
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funny how you declare hour unworthy of an but 'h' by itself gets an?
I'm not unhappy, I'm ready right now, for right now.
I have Josh Rouse, some days if i had the gas I could listen to josh rouse and drive forever.
Just spend the day in the present.

It looks like we're all coming up
with air in our lungs
gasping right when our lips hit the light
like we were just dying to
kiss the...
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everything feels like its breaking or broken.
I wonder if i do have depression problems.
I go into work and get a 10 dollar tip for a delivery at 12:20 and see co workers that were hired last fucking week walk out with 30-40 dollar tips. I will have no money for this weekend and if i dont have a good mon-wed i will have...
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