nope that doesnt convey it at all.
that doesnt even look right.
They sure play a lot of liquor commercials during the holidays.
I had another dream about her last night, but I never saw her, she was behind me with her arms wrapped around me and then she kissed the back of my neck, I told her she was the softest amy in the world and she told me she wanted to take a shower with me, I asked her if she was sure, then she said...
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get all beard weird.
ya know, stranger friends are always the best.... at least i think...

oh, and sorry for taking so long to get back to you. god i've been busy.
I ran home in the rain to miss my train by 30 seconds, had to wait twenty more for the next one sopping wet at 1:00 in the morning and now i'm eating macaroni that tastes like pastey noodles.
Got a new job as a server so I'm working two jobs for the next two weeks which translates into no days off at all what...
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I could go for some sex, anybody else, maybe some cheesecake, sex and cheesecake.
Wood burning fire, big blankets sex, oh and cheesecake.
i should make more friends on this site, try to make it to pops.
stuff stuff stuff.
so, I'm doing this thing where the less money I have the more I spend, its like i punish my checking account for being so low by stealing from it, as if to say, you do not deserve this.
In other news that correllates with the whole being broke thing, after extended research and a semi botched morning of casual sex it has come to...
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so i work at starbucks, I mean I never saw myself there before but hell its really not too bad, besides I can't get enough change, change is yummy, you forget who you were and carry what gets you through new obstacles and the like, the stronger parts survive, putting the old lazy quiet sad sean to his death.
yeahh your first corporate controlled occupation!
and you make more than me serving people coffee than i make having my own office and voicemail.

...of course, the cost of living where you are is just a hair short of doubled compared to where i am...

good talking to ya, peace ST.
oh my god I got the new Good Life album and tim kashers voice saved me from this month.
the more you delete this shit the more i'm gonna post it.
the fuck anyways?
do i embarass you?
are you ashamed that others might see me on your page?
you better not delete this until i am far asleep because where you are its still early.
you better be out fuckin shit up.
shit sog.
it bums me out that i'm not worth your comment box.
i mean.
its not like you have to see me ever again.
you're getting this because, well, you don't talk to me.
and the few that still do don't even ask about my shit.
they just talk about their shit.
like i could give a 3000 mile fuck.
i mostly like the familiar voice or mannerism.
cause seriously, shit.
ah phucketz. i could write you a little pamphlet right now
but you're just gonna delete the shit.
and since you probably will
take care of yourself and find a nice girl to throw around.
watch out for chapmangirl, and give 'er a hug for me.
and send me your fucking address so i can send you some flowers
and this sickass poster i bought for you.
dont know where your shit lives. oink
i'm sorry.
for being innapropriate.
and i know you dont like rap.
but i find it too funny.
you were supposed to delete all that.
haha, i was in an obnoxious mood or something.
must bounce. pce.
"you don't think gods old fashioned just because he used to collect dinosaurs, do you?"-me
i want to ride the anagram tram. for scuttlefish.
Black Snake Moan
Orange Juice + Southern Comfort
I dont need anyone to have a good night.
hahahaha...that does seem like i good evening. i miss you sir. i was going through a box of randoms and found what you had claimed to be "your first poem ever". i think i might have to send you a copy....that is kind of a big deal. hehe.

loves you and see you in the fabulous San Francisco on my fabulous 2-1!!!!
Ive gone and done something stupid again.
went down south and fell for a girl.
as far as I can tell she fell for me too.
but i cant get the softness of her skin out my mind.
we had been friends for 5 months.
as soon as I left she told me she liked me.
i told her i liked her.
we talked for...
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hey man:
sorry...I postedthis in the SGSF too:

coffeewhiskey said:
somebody sell me a reliable rx7 for under 2000 dollars so i can go visit my ladyfriend...
I cant stop thinking about how she said she was kinda obsessed with me.

My friend just emailed me about this:
Sounds like it'd be around 2 grand...but its not an RX7.

94 Honda Accord 4 dr 5 spd 175K miles) for hella cheap. It needs a new clutch so I'm asking around $1500 for it or around there. It runs great and gets top gas milage with no body damage.

throwing it out there. He's in SF too.