so I'm twenty two and a week and a couple days.
First thing I wrote being twenty two

Corner Stores

in the desk drawer, of the smallest armoire
at the corner store, where the nails and needles are kept
every earthquake is felt and every aftershock shook
the hinges were old and the oak would give
on october twenty ninth, two thousand four
the needles...
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I need someone to kick my ass into gear or i need to kick my ass into gear. I feel as if I am wasting away and I am so tired of blaming this break up on everything. just keep saying as soon as I get over her i won't drink so much and I'll read more and I'll work out more and just be...
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In case it helps (which it most likely won't) i know exactly how you feel, it's shit! It does fade tho... eventually.
anyway, hope you have an ace time at the pillow fight today, wish i could be there, i got a whole 8 weeks to wait til i get to San Francisco!!! frown
I'm sure it'll come round soon enough tho!!!! biggrin
Em x
oh and heres some late night unhappys

"some seismographs"

the second verse is deafening
she said this is the last you will hear from me
the epicenter is five heart beats away
the aftershock shakes my lips
and when i point the blame it echos
from my quivering fingertips
in two minutes time, we will fall apart
we burnt five hundred calories breaking up
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luckily nobody reads this so I can go off, fuck I've been depressed lately, I think a lot of it has to do with living with a cutesy happy couple and having to deal with the fact i used to be that happy and used to make somebody that happy. Then I have to deal with everyone I'm not interested in coming on to me...
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so when i found out i was pissed off I immediately tied my thoughts to the way the characters in my favorite movies acted when they found themselves in these situations and they drank and they found happy endings, I am drinking, though I know I will not be finding any happy endings. Everywhere straws are breaking camels backs, half those camels get up...
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my socks keep falling down, but I'm not old enough to wear those sock ankle holders, neither am I newscaster enough, dan rather, I would rather not. I would like to walk down to the piers and bark at the seals, in nine jackets with my breath belching clearly in front of me, but it is raining. If the park wasn't so muggy (muggy like...
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Peer out into the sea.

"The romance in piers," she told me, "it's like walking on water."

"Did you want to race?" I ask.

"I'm wearing sandals..." She says.

"I'm wearing boots..." I said.

"I don't even know you" She says.

"I run like a liar" I said.

"Hows that?" She asks.

"Real fast and in the wrong direction." I say.

"So I have a...
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lost keys

the girl with keys around her neck
walks with locked up hips
and high tension cigarettes
bruised with lipstick
big keys heavy like gavels
sway with loose shoulders
in empty building endings
its never what they unlock
they are dull and blunt
sharp and useless
but the weight around her neck
the possibility of authority she gets
reminds us all it is never...
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I have to remind myself I lasted a long time alone, that it was worth it, that fighting with the lampshade for light is worth it, I have to remind myself to go to sleep because i have work in seven hours. I have to remind myself that there is hope, that I can blame the keyboard on bad spelling and that that little line...
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i havent gone to bed with the spins in so long... turned down sleeping with a 30 year old woman, and I am intoxicated enough, I mean she was good looking but just 30, whats left when the right girl is gone, wrong is so easy and right is so gone.
whats left.