We can't all be good knights...

I have a cheap lamp, the kind that forks before the bulb in hopes the viewer can pretend he/she is seeing perhaps three old candle wicks, like in those romance novels she used to read when she was still full of hopes and dashing gentlemen, the perfect man. And now as i retire and she turns a cheap black...
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stay awhile
I'm tired and this stomach isn't going to keep
it's funny, my favorite line of the night
"you haven't been very friendly"
"thats the nicest thing you've said all night"
this after I talked up ashley
but it came from emily.
oh babe, you have no idea.
ashley has been everywhere, but we agreed,
the best natural resources are trampolines and waterfalls
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I'm resigning myself to her, I have figured some boys aren't meant to get over some girls, some stories are too beautiful to ever die, some tragedies sit in books for centuries being read and read and just wait to be put to rest and we are just another tragedy, waiting to be put down. So i'll listen to stars and meet girls that will...
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the prologue is better than the poem. i like the commas...
she left behind an old bottle of wine
it tastes like pussy and roses and poems
I hung it on the wall like a painting, like a trophy
and its remains spill a warm stain on the carpet below
where I laid mouth open and eyes closed
letting the drops kiss my lips, blindfolded
and when I wake up, choking up the reds
its hard...
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mmmmm, sad writings, maybe I was serious when i asked that girl to marry me.

You were the watercolors
your brush stroke eye lashes would paint,
on old cheek easels
with enough blush to saturate sunsets on first dates.
In an old white car,
with hazard lights that wince every other second in pain,
what long terrible gasps heard the stereo that day,
on the...
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Inamoratas vows leave her mouth as soon as she opens her eyes,
her favorite verse is a toss up between her lies and as loud as she can yell.
Inamorata will you take this man, with all his flaws, or does the feeling still die?
Oh catch the bouquet, douse those doubts, burn the bride and be a women tonight.
In sickness and in...
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hmm...your writing makes me want to read some salinger, have a quick drink, and yell something very loudly.
agreed on earthquake/dream scenario.
agreed on Franny, although I think I will always be in love with Seymour just because of bananafish...
I'm not drinking till friday, which is weird, maybe its only because I'm bored or sometimes my anxiety wakes me in the middle of the night and convinces me I'm an alcoholic, funny though this is the same anxiety that has convinced me I am about to die in an earthquake, tsunami, heart attack or my father is dead or there are lethal gasses leaking...
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I was pushing for a pilots license, chasing ill hobbies. Ended up flying kites in the park, the things we do when we're children to imitate our dreams, land a spaceship in a sandbox, because the moon is one big sandbox. Be an astronaut, if nothing else then to keep the suit in your closet, have a girl come over, the astronaut suit in that...
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I've taken up Sean and Jason's accreditation to my facial hair and refused to shave, how long these apathetic attempts to change will last is truly hard to say. Though the kitchen staff at my work did indeed embellish an approving laugh at my thick stubble in three to five languages I continue to try to understand, those working dogs know the seeds of a...
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Him: "Would you like to join our Borders rewards club?"
Me: "No, I don't come in here very often"
Him: "Sir, you said that last week when you Purchased 'There Will Be Blood'"
Me: "Yeah, I know, but after this..."
Him: "Are you sure, because last week..."
Me "I know about last week, could I just get my copy of Juno"
Him "It saves 15%...
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