luckily nobody reads this so I can go off, fuck I've been depressed lately, I think a lot of it has to do with living with a cutesy happy couple and having to deal with the fact i used to be that happy and used to make somebody that happy. Then I have to deal with everyone I'm not interested in coming on to me and everyone I am interested in not at all. I just need to hold through this week though. Because on thursday I don't have to scorn valentines day because I get to spend it seeing the kills. Then on friday I get my big paycheck which means I can get a move on coachella tickets as well as a much needed gym membership so I can run (exercise) away my depression instead of drinking it away which should make me chipper enough to start reading again which should lead to me being my healthy articulate self, the one I am proud of, the confident one.
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I like you more when you lie I was half way home when I realized it … -
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Friday Sep 05, 2008
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Friday Aug 22, 2008
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Friday Aug 15, 2008
I'm walking home, home to you the turn is a curl in my ash the ciga… -
Monday Aug 04, 2008
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Sunday Aug 03, 2008
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Saturday Aug 02, 2008
I still have a leg, lets row around stow lake those men with the m… -
Monday Jul 21, 2008
oh yeah... I just want to finish a novel, but maybe (take a drag) …