I have to remind myself I lasted a long time alone, that it was worth it, that fighting with the lampshade for light is worth it, I have to remind myself to go to sleep because i have work in seven hours. I have to remind myself that there is hope, that I can blame the keyboard on bad spelling and that that little line red line under big words only means I'm adventurous when I go to say things like incandescent and arbitrary. when I go to tell myself how I feel through a screen and a small mac laptop that irreplaceable isn't an ominous word I should hope to use when referring to that silly girl that has me all wrapped up indefinitely.
More Blogs
Sunday Feb 15, 2009
I like you more when you lie I was half way home when I realized it … -
Monday Jan 05, 2009
The girl with the anchor around her neck oh christ, the weight, is w… -
Friday Nov 07, 2008
Tired of Lies and Getting Used to It those cherubs still dance i… -
Friday Sep 05, 2008
This is about... rock climbing!!! These legs won't let me walk away … -
Friday Aug 22, 2008
were you fired rare with freckles does the sand still burn your feet… -
Friday Aug 15, 2008
I'm walking home, home to you the turn is a curl in my ash the ciga… -
Monday Aug 04, 2008
When all the city lights blind your eyes tonight I was rushed out … -
Sunday Aug 03, 2008
it's so easy to say everything is fucked, I always thought growing up… -
Saturday Aug 02, 2008
I still have a leg, lets row around stow lake those men with the m… -
Monday Jul 21, 2008
oh yeah... I just want to finish a novel, but maybe (take a drag) …