drunk again.
what is it, two days.
nobody should keep track.
my fingers are never fast enough for my thoughts.
been getting into this band Meg & Dia, been getting into a lot of bands that have female singers i.e. Maria taylor, regina spektor, orienda fink.
I wonder if it has anything to do with loneliness.
its so much easier to sleep when there's a girl singing you to it.
looking forward to going back to school, new classes means new crushes.
and if i can adopt the "be gone soon" philosophy (seeing as how its gonna be my last semster there) I should be more open to the people around me.
I think, personnally, it will be more of an attempt at waking up completely before wandering around.
I miss the days I could be me easily.
it seems like I looked so deep into me over the drug phase that i dont know exactly who i am and its not as easy to be me.
Like I'm improving on my own lines written by me in my mind.
I wonder why it feels so good for me to get it all out.
where does confessional fit into human nature?
what is it, two days.
nobody should keep track.
my fingers are never fast enough for my thoughts.
been getting into this band Meg & Dia, been getting into a lot of bands that have female singers i.e. Maria taylor, regina spektor, orienda fink.
I wonder if it has anything to do with loneliness.
its so much easier to sleep when there's a girl singing you to it.
looking forward to going back to school, new classes means new crushes.
and if i can adopt the "be gone soon" philosophy (seeing as how its gonna be my last semster there) I should be more open to the people around me.
I think, personnally, it will be more of an attempt at waking up completely before wandering around.
I miss the days I could be me easily.
it seems like I looked so deep into me over the drug phase that i dont know exactly who i am and its not as easy to be me.
Like I'm improving on my own lines written by me in my mind.
I wonder why it feels so good for me to get it all out.
where does confessional fit into human nature?
pick up some lily allen, son.
she's a nice voice to follow.