I'm so bored with everything right now, i know its just a phase but its a re-occuring phase none the less. I just cant wait till i move north or till i turn 21, i just cant wait till change. Nothing seems to fit in place its like ive fallen into a twilight zone where there are millions of girls but none of them suit me.so i just go to sleep, wake up, work, workout, eat, go to sleep. its a common life. I keep on getting in these moods where i can see everything getting better and wonder to myself how i could of doubted it wouldnt, but they never last long enough. tonight i'm supposed to hang out with people that are better then nothing, god damn thats depressing, "do you love me" "well darling you are certainly better then nothing." Life is starting to become just slightly better then nothing(death).
More Blogs
Saturday May 20, 2006
elliot smith is here, in my computer and i'm convinced hes the cure t… -
Tuesday May 16, 2006
bastard: Isnt that the car dad told you not to buy? Dad: no i just s… -
Monday May 15, 2006
so many people lie that when you tell the truth nobody believes you, … -
Friday May 05, 2006
updateyourpage...updateyourlife smellthatnopeok -
Tuesday Apr 25, 2006
spotted liver poke-a-dots the single lawyer counts down the shots h… -
Thursday Apr 13, 2006
I can write some pretty mushy shit sometimes, odd considering im not … -
Monday Mar 20, 2006
oh now i know i need to leave so she tells herself again wipes alit… -
Monday Mar 13, 2006
Im in the middle of writing an essay about an amazing painting for my… -
Wednesday Mar 08, 2006
its been a long wednesday i spent the last ten minutes dealing with … -
Wednesday Mar 08, 2006
so im cutting down, which means ill have a lot of down time. but all…
my $500
and see if raquel hasnt uploaded those cd's on her computer maybe i can get em back.
your incentive:
i have coupons for quizznos (a fuckinlot of em)
and you get a drink, chips, and a small sub for $2.46.
and when you're back, snag hold of my sunglasses if you can.