what can i say, i am finding as every day passes i begin to more and more recover from the effects of my philosophy class. With every day consisting of two miles 100 sit ups and 100 push ups for some reason i feel sore to the point of a numb bliss erupting in most parts of my body. its almost a tangible if not physiological feeling of success, progression and accomplishments.days off i spend hours in borders reading halves of books wondering upon enter and exit if they think im strange. and its so much easier to sleep alone at night when your exhausted. this summer, if not fruitful in love, will drag me out to the pits of physical despair so as to forge a stronger better sean consisting of mostly wit and muscle. for a purpose unknown to the world even unknown to sean.
More Blogs
Sunday Feb 15, 2009
I like you more when you lie I was half way home when I realized it … -
Monday Jan 05, 2009
The girl with the anchor around her neck oh christ, the weight, is w… -
Friday Nov 07, 2008
Tired of Lies and Getting Used to It those cherubs still dance i… -
Friday Sep 05, 2008
This is about... rock climbing!!! These legs won't let me walk away … -
Friday Aug 22, 2008
were you fired rare with freckles does the sand still burn your feet… -
Friday Aug 15, 2008
I'm walking home, home to you the turn is a curl in my ash the ciga… -
Monday Aug 04, 2008
When all the city lights blind your eyes tonight I was rushed out … -
Sunday Aug 03, 2008
it's so easy to say everything is fucked, I always thought growing up… -
Saturday Aug 02, 2008
I still have a leg, lets row around stow lake those men with the m… -
Monday Jul 21, 2008
oh yeah... I just want to finish a novel, but maybe (take a drag) …