Cruz made comments about Trump’s New York City roots during a Republican presidential debate in South Carolina on Thursday evening.
Cruz suggested Trump may have “socially liberal” values because he is a New Yorker. Im calling Cruz’s comments insulting and ignorant.
I think it's sad. I think it's disturbing for all Americans, not just for New York. He is practicing the politics of division. He's trying to divide the American people. He's trying to divide this country. His comments just prove he is no leader and the problem with politicians being in it for themselves.
What do NYers value? We value hard work, diversity, unity, progress and philanthropic causes to name a few but isn't that what Americans want as well. Our politicians regardless of affiliations should have 1 common goal, the best interest of all Americans and to make America great again.
We need a leader who wants to make American great again, to stop the divide and work together for the greater good of all Americans. But unfotunetly there lies the problem, politicians seem to only have their own agenda in mind which alot of the time isn't to make America great.
Let's make America great again.