This song gives me the shivers. They are playing it everywhere in rememberance of those who lost their lives at Utoya.
English literal translation
Surrounded by enemies by Nordahl Grieg
Surrounded by enemies,
go into your time!
Under a bloody storm -
devote yourself to fight!
Maybe you ask in fear,
uncovered, open:
with what shall I fight
what is my weapon?
Here is your defense against violence
here is your sword:
the belief in our life,
the worth of mankind.
For all our future's sake,
seek it and cultivate it,
die if you must - but:
increase it and strengthen it!
Silently goes the grenades'
conveyor belts
Stop their drift towards death
Stop them with spirit!
War is contempt for life.
Peace is to create.
Throw your strength into it:
Death shall lose!
Love and enrich with dreams
all that was great!
Go towards the unknown
wring answers out of it.
Unbuilt power plants,
unknown stars.
Create them, with spared lives'
bold brains!
Noble is mankind,
the earth is rich!
If there is need and hunger
it is by deceit.
Crush it! In the name of life
injustice shall fall.
Sunshine and bread and mind
is possessed by all.
Then the weapons sink
powerless to the ground!
We create human worth
we create peace.
Those who in the right arm
carry a burden,
precious and inalienable,
can not murder.
This is our promise
from brother to brother:
We will be good to
humanity's earth.
We will take care of
the beauty, the warmth
as if we carried a child
carefully in our arms!

The streets of Oslo are filled with some 100 000 people doing a rose march to show their support and love. I'm so proud to be Norwegian. To see so many people care.
I went to a statue in my town to pay my respects, it was filled with flowers and candles, so weird, it's hard to imagine but the attacks really did effect the whole country.
English literal translation
Surrounded by enemies by Nordahl Grieg
Surrounded by enemies,
go into your time!
Under a bloody storm -
devote yourself to fight!
Maybe you ask in fear,
uncovered, open:
with what shall I fight
what is my weapon?
Here is your defense against violence
here is your sword:
the belief in our life,
the worth of mankind.
For all our future's sake,
seek it and cultivate it,
die if you must - but:
increase it and strengthen it!
Silently goes the grenades'
conveyor belts
Stop their drift towards death
Stop them with spirit!
War is contempt for life.
Peace is to create.
Throw your strength into it:
Death shall lose!
Love and enrich with dreams
all that was great!
Go towards the unknown
wring answers out of it.
Unbuilt power plants,
unknown stars.
Create them, with spared lives'
bold brains!
Noble is mankind,
the earth is rich!
If there is need and hunger
it is by deceit.
Crush it! In the name of life
injustice shall fall.
Sunshine and bread and mind
is possessed by all.
Then the weapons sink
powerless to the ground!
We create human worth
we create peace.
Those who in the right arm
carry a burden,
precious and inalienable,
can not murder.
This is our promise
from brother to brother:
We will be good to
humanity's earth.
We will take care of
the beauty, the warmth
as if we carried a child
carefully in our arms!

The streets of Oslo are filled with some 100 000 people doing a rose march to show their support and love. I'm so proud to be Norwegian. To see so many people care.
I went to a statue in my town to pay my respects, it was filled with flowers and candles, so weird, it's hard to imagine but the attacks really did effect the whole country.
its nice to see that people really do care, and i am sure many more would be there to if they could, i know i would be.