Beethoven, tea and anatomy. Rockin' it on a Saturday night!
Also, human bodies are weird and miraculous.
Todays latin phrase: Musculus sternocleidomastoideus. When you can say that ten times fast... Give me a call.
Amazing concert with my favorite artist yesterday. I just love him more and more. It was in his home town of Sortland, the audience sucked, I've been to funerals with more life.
But the show itself.. Love, love, love!
Downside: Misplaced my cards. Have no drivers license, no credit card, no student ID.. And I am so sure I had it when I came home... Read More
Life is so unfair. Just got the news that an old friend of mine lost her boyfriend today.
He died in her arms, of cancer.
The good really do die young..
My heart breaks for my friend, I can't imagine having the man I love die in my arms..
It's going to be winter soon. I love winter, love love love!
Alright, it's a bit love/hate-relationship but mostly love.
My favorite time is early December mornings, when I've started decorating for Christmas, the house smells of incense, boxes with full of decorations are strewn all over the place, I'm playing Frank Sinatra cause somehow Frank Sinatra is Christmas to me and I'm having a... Read More