de de dede... what an awesome past week. been up at big white riding everyday all day. its been so sunny and warm up there, riding in a hoodie and working on my tan... well goggle tan. the one day i pulled something in my thigh throwing spins, the next day i caught an edge right before i hopped onto a rail and hit my hip bone super hard trying to keep my broken arm out of harm. so on that leg i have the biggest bruise i've ever had in my entire life. its dark black right now and the size of a grapefruit. and then the next day (yesterday) i came off a rail and smashed my face into the snow, nose felt all tingly then started gushing blood. some lady was like, oh oh i'll call first aid.. i'm like naw, just pass me a tissue. i'm sooooo thankful i didn't brake it. , ugh sooooo thankful.. so yeah, that was my week of carnage.. i guess i never mentioned the good. well, mass improvement in my pipe riding, um nailed a few front boards to 5050 on the flat to down, and since i buggered my leg up, i tried to take it easy today by riding switch only. so i got switch front and back ones down, yippee.... so a little r n r all weekend and try to catch up with friends. ba da ba ba ba i'm loving it!
