i'm so sad. i just want to get ahead. i feel so held back... by money and debt. i left home so young, and have always struggled to support myself. over the past few months, i've really opened my eyes to the way i spend my money. and i've pretty much stopped. i've been eating rice for fuck sakes. so many of my 'friends' either live at home, have moved back home, or have the option to return home if they're in a little financial trouble. i haven't lived at home since 16. my parents just built a house last year... with one less bedroom... a bedroom for me. i'm so f'ing stuck right now. i have my debt to chip away at, car payment, bike payment, rent, bills, food (well rice which doesn't cost much). and i can't work right now due to my f'ing broken arm. bgah.... i hope no one reads this one.