well well well.... just a little more trauma for pour little me... the 31st of january is the day my roommate was supposed to be all moved out on. so he gets most of his shit out the day before, then comes back for his tv, bed, and desk. he scratched and chipped the fireplace mantle thingy while he took the tv down. so, i nicely asked him to swing by a hardware store and grab a tiny bit of touch up paint to fix it with. he started freaking out saying it wasn't his responsibility to fix it. and since my mom is on the lease with me, she just asked that he leaves the place how he found it. thats pretty fucking fair i'd say. so yeah... after i make that comment, he fly's off the handle yelling at me and then starts to say shit about my mom (who is an absolute angel and has done everything she can to make our stay in the apartment as accommodating as possible). the way i work is say whatever you want about me to me, but start saying shit about my family and you're fucked. so i stop him in mid-sentence (something nasty about my mom) and bark at him to give me his set of keys and get the fuck out. he says no, so i try to grab them... he then grabs my broken arm and grabs me by the throat, lets go of my arm and the winds up to punch me... but as soon as i saw him raise his fist, instinct or something kicked in and i decked him in the eye... soo hard it starting swelling shut almost immediately. ugh, it all happened so fast, i never in a million years expected my pathetic roommate to get violent, and especially not with me. my friend was over, saw the whole thing, and had called the police. when they arrived, they had him arrested for assaulting me, and then asked if i wanted to press charges. i got freaked out and said no, i didn't want to make things worse than they already were, besides i got to give him a nasty black eye out of self-defense... so yeah, the police removed him from the property, and will have to return with him if he wants the rest of his shit...
ta da.... there's this weeks top f'ing story
ta da.... there's this weeks top f'ing story

I had an ex who was violent with me, which was strange because I'm not violent at all. I'd just stand there as she hit me and ask, "what are you doing?". Lol, yeah weird relationship there.
Re: Tom Morello - I got to see him play seperately too on another stage that day. Can't remember what he called himself, it was like a band name or something. Pretty cool dude