thanks for your support!!!! yeah i ate shit snowboarding... wish i was doing something super cool, but it was just a lousy backside 180 and i caught an f'ing edge. as soon as my wrist hit the ground, i felt this gross cracking/grinding/tingling pain. i knew i broke it right away. my buddy called patrol, then i got a toboggan ride to the patrol hut. they gave me laughing gas to get my glove and jacket off. grr and they had to cut my fucking mitten since my hand was so swollen... so yeah once it was all off they could see that my hand was totally crooked compared to my arm. they offered me an ambulance ride down the mountain, but i'm far too broke for that., so i got a buddy to drive me to the hospital. hours later they put me on an i.v., knock me out, re-brake my wrist, position it, and cast it. the nurse said that as soon as the doc started reefing on my wrist i yelled out for him to fuck off. but since i was out they all just laughed and fixed up my arm... so tomorrow i'm off to the doc again. need to see a specialist, get more xrays and a new cast. bagh.... this one arm bandit is off to bed... and a mouthful of percocet's mmmm sweet doped up dreams

...hahaha *smirks and shakes head*, you have to laugh really. It's always doing something simple that we hurt ourselves the most, uncanny.
P.S. hahahaha, nice altered story. Ever thought of writing a book