Grr, a little frustrated a little stressed. Moving, again. Roommate gave me his notice, if you can call it that. He'll be out in a of couple days. So now I'm stuck with feb's rent, awsome. And since I can't afford this place, I'll be moving at the end of feb, broke a s fuck. So i'm in the middle of selling all my shit. well except clothes and knick knacks. but i want all my furniture gone. i feel like i am bound to this city because of it. well and sophie, but she can be easily packed up and taken wherever i want to go. however a living room set just isn't something you can chuck in a box and take with you. well, not sure what more i feel like bitching about. i'm sure i can think of something.
More Blogs
Friday Nov 23, 2007
i'm hiding -
Wednesday Nov 21, 2007
last night shane koyczan's performance was astonishing! quite littera… -
Tuesday Nov 20, 2007
well, the evening is almost over. i worked earlier and sung lame happ… -
Monday Nov 19, 2007
well, another year went by. i made it. so at midnight i went to the m… -
Sunday Nov 18, 2007
oh what a night.... came home from work to a house full of good frien… -
Sunday Oct 07, 2007
te he... hi, i saw a little two hour film from a trip to italy and fe…
meh *hug* (lol, it's all I can do really)
As far as mountains, ummm, I wasn't planning on changing from Whistler but you never know when I'm there. Especially considering a friend has been there for about 3 yrs now & 2 others are there for a year so who knows what kind of shinnanigans will abound.