there is no where near enough words to describe the experience i had at the Tool concert on november 29. they're a band that i've followed and loved ever since i was, oh i dunno, like 14... maybe a year younger. and to actually see them play a show was incredible. grr... i'm sitting here trying to think of how and what to say about it and i'm totally stumped. as soon as the opener was finished and tool came on stage i basically bolted from the 27 row on the floor to the very front against the bar. pretty soon tons of people made there way to the front. the first two rows of chairs were trampled to the ground and then the mosh pit began. forty six and 2 was like the third song i think and as soon as it came on i pretty much freaked out, i almost cried with joy, but instead i just threw myself around in the pit, and i didn't stop till it was over. left feeling soooo beat up, no nasty bruises though,,, well one in my thigh, and some sore as ribs. i am just so happy i was there, i'm going to put that night up there with sky diving! one of my most amazing memorable experiences ever. oh, kind of forgot to mention the acid i took just before tool came on. it couldn't have worked out any better. dropping acid at a tool concert! most amazing experience ever!

i know, its so much fun to ride. biggest grin on my face ALL the time. hehe. do you have a curvy or a pointy? xx

glad to hear you had a blast. i'm a bit jealous.