So a friend is really down about a lot of shit in her life, so i'm trying to be supportive. So i take her out for a beer tonite. She asks if a friend can come, and i say yes. the more the merrier to cheer her up. and the friend brings a friend - the former drummer of a defunct Edmonton punk band from eons ago. So we all happily trudge off to the bar. He drinks more, and becomes ultra paranoid. wants to pick a fight with me because i talked about the crazy robot Gir from Invader Zim.
Turns out he's done so many drugs he's become schitzophrenic.
Note to self: don't become a waste-case.
Look what you started Gir!
Turns out he's done so many drugs he's become schitzophrenic.
Note to self: don't become a waste-case.

Look what you started Gir!
Hey - met a friend of yers the other night at the Robin Black concert.
So... Sunday and Simpsons? Talk to ya later!