Alright IRISH children, The war is over. I love the Irish again.... 'till next March.
Now then, onto more important business. It's Wednesday night, and in my neck of the woods that means karaoke night. Now children as I have said before on numerous occassions, I'm a fairly tolerant guy. All night long I put up with off key versions of R&B, Country, and whatever the latest pop sensation happens to be. Now granted this doesn't apply to all participants, just the majority of them. Why some of them aren't singing professionaly, I'll never know. Anywhooooo.... to get back to my point, there is always that one couple no matter what bar you're at chooses to sing the most annoying duet known to man, PICTURE. I think it's by Kid Rock. What started out as a semi decent tune has turned into a permanent karaoke ritual. Everyone and there grandmother has done this song at least twice. I can deal with just about everything else, but when I hear this song I just wan to pluck out my eyes with a plastic fork. Why you might ask?? Because it's like a virus. Once a couple has sung this tune, then others come up want to sing the exact same thing over and over again. The good news children, is that when it comes to karaoke, I'm not afraid to fight fire with fire. I retalliate with renditions of such greats as Alice Cooper, George Thorogood, Deep Purple, and The Doors. I sit there and put up with there nast country all night long, it won't kill 'em to listen to some Rock 'n' Roll. That's all for today's rant children.
Monster Out.

Monster Out.
Those are my favourite boots. Who can resist super hardcore looking boots