Okay so i tried updating my blog earlier today only to be just about finished when my computer went fuck you and spazzed out and in the proccess wiped all my hard earned work *sigh* so bugger it I'll just have to redo the whole thing later.
In a nut shell i spent the day working on my new veggie patch in the backyard and have finally go it planted
just need to wait for the crops to grow now before i can start the noms
cant wait.
will post the pics tomorrow assuming my computer does'nt spazz out again.
I hope everyone is having a great Easter and i hope that Zombie Jesus doesnt eat your brains
In a nut shell i spent the day working on my new veggie patch in the backyard and have finally go it planted

will post the pics tomorrow assuming my computer does'nt spazz out again.
I hope everyone is having a great Easter and i hope that Zombie Jesus doesnt eat your brains

Thank you so much for the support on my new set! You're a doll! xox