I have decided to add another entry, it's been a while. Things around here are still crummy, but we try not to focus too much on it. School has been a little difficult, I have a rough time concentrating because there is a lot on my mind. On Tuesday I stayed after and talked to my Psychology teacher about what has been going on and it helped a little, so I see a little light of hope. I have also been upset with work, I HATE working there, the people are rude and the crap they make me do pisses me off, so who knows where that will lead. I know there is a reason for everything, but sometimes I am left feeling kind of alone and confused and I feel that I am stuck in my life right now. I have also been having boy troubles, I am done for now, if someone comes along great, if not whatever it's all good. I need to focus on myself and my family and just figure out where things are going. Me and Pat are at a rough point, so it's pretty much done, and I am ok with that. I WANT A GIRLFRIEND, because the men I find are all ASSHOLES! Well, that's really all that has been going on. Take care everyone.

if you don't like whats happening, them stop taking these peoples shit and figure out what the fuck it is that you want to do. things have way of caving in on you, believe me i know. but you can do anything if you want it bad enough.