st night was AWESOME!!!!! My "wifey" Melanie, her friend Bryan and I went to see the Suicide Girls burlesque show. It was so much fun. The girls were so hot!! I got a tank top and her and him got the SG book. There were 2 bands that were on before the naked gals and the bands were bad, especially the Japanese band, they sounded like smurfs. We were like what the fuck?!!! But then the burlesque show began and it was amazing!!!! NIXON AND REAGAN WERE SO HOT!!!! I ALSO LOVED CHLOE!!!!!!!! They were all so cute and sexy and had such amazing bodies, but the only shitty thing was that it was hard to see because of all the damn people. Then the other cool thing was a friend of mine Jeremy came to the show as well and hung out with us, it was fun. After the show was over the 4 of us went to a hotel, we spent the night in the Hilton in Chicago and I got home at like 9:30 this morning. We drank and were up late talking and watching cartoons and eating expensive room service pizza. Then everyone fell asleep and we woke up at 8 and were all so out of it. The night was truly worthwhile. I had a blast it was what I needed to stop thinking about all the shit that has been going down lately. Hope everyone else is well. Ciao peeps!!

Awesome to hear you enjoyed the show as well. Next time around I'm sure we'll recognize each other!

man, that sounds like a fuckin blast!