Things are a little better around here. I am no longer feeling sick, so that's a start. I have just been working and doing school,pretty basic and boring stuff. I worked an 8 hour day yesterday, I was dead, because I was on my feet all day, but I need the money, so it's all good. I had a boring Thanksgiving, but the day after...
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awww, the first kiss is always so fucking exciting! congrats hun
hes a lucky man 

Texts are good. and I luv u too!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! What are you guys thankful for?

Awwww Well I did text you to say Happy Turkey Day. Stupid phone. I miss talking to you to. I hope you're ok *BIG HUGS*

hehe thank ya for ur sweet comment

My sister, my uncle and I went to our mommy's bond hearing at the Skokie Courthouse. It was scary, but the good news is our uncle paid to get our mom out and she is FREE for now, her next court date is Friday. I am glad she's home. I have also been sick, I have been puking like crazy, so it sucks, I even...
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I'm glad your mom isn't in jail anymore. That must have been a bummer.
Thanks for the comment on my set, by the way
Thanks for the comment on my set, by the way

oh mom.
I'm sorry...
Yeah I'm home safe... but this night sucked. Ugh...

Yeah I'm home safe... but this night sucked. Ugh...
My mom is in JAIL for stealing money from her boss. The detectives took her away this morning and she has to go to court tomorrow morning. We have no idea what's going to happen. I am scared and sad and feel alone. MY LIFE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry about your mom. If this is her first offense, maybe she'll get by with probation. Your life doesn't suck. Hang in there. This too will pass.

you need to pull yourself together and get your shit straight. shit happens but your life doesn't suck unless you let it (or let it get to you) you need to figure out what you want out of life and move in that direction. it's ok to be scared but don't let it consume your life. you have too much potential to let misery consume you (i've felt like this before, hopeless, and i know what it can do to you)
become your own God
become your own God
I am exhausted. My mom and I went to the House of Blues to see Amon Amarth, Trivium and Children of Bodom. The line when we got there was insane, it was all the way around the corner and down the bridge that's near the HOB. We were so happy when they finally opened the doors. Then the show started, all the bands were awesome...
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Dude....your mom loves Trivium. That is awesome. Good for the both of you. I saw them open for Danzig back in February, they killed it. Good show indeed. Tell yo mamma she's badass if you haven't already.
thats fucking awesome that you can go to a metal concert with your mom. i can't even speak to mine. i wish there were some good shows coming my way but none in sight, and most of the local bands in sacramento are pretty shitty and a little to radio-friendly in my opinion.
I have decided to add another entry, it's been a while. Things around here are still crummy, but we try not to focus too much on it. School has been a little difficult, I have a rough time concentrating because there is a lot on my mind. On Tuesday I stayed after and talked to my Psychology teacher about what has been going on and...
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"might is right"
if you don't like whats happening, them stop taking these peoples shit and figure out what the fuck it is that you want to do. things have way of caving in on you, believe me i know. but you can do anything if you want it bad enough.
if you don't like whats happening, them stop taking these peoples shit and figure out what the fuck it is that you want to do. things have way of caving in on you, believe me i know. but you can do anything if you want it bad enough.
Thanks for the compliment on my set, I'm glad you liked it 

I went to the Logan Square Auditorium on Sunday night for the Devil's Night Ball. It was fun, it was just what I needed to take my mind off of things. Fashion Bomb, Digital Mindy, Crossbreed, Underfed, NDX and Ditchwatwater persormed. I was dressed up in costume and it was fun, I felt all sexified,lol. The bands kicked ass, they all sounded great. Then after...
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hey babe its been a while since we have talked well my date sunday sucked but but but i went to hang out with this girl toni monday and it was sapposd to be ust friends and she had told me on the phone a while back that her ex was a straight edge and couldnt date another straight edge again so i figured i had now chance so i never made a move well as i was leaveing (at 3 in the morning lol) i went to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and her lips were there when i got to her lol well i went over to her house last night and spent the night adn will probably do that most nights of the week lol well ill talk to you later ill be writting a new blog so go check int out

Hey Wifeypoo how are you?
How are things?
Miss Ya
How are things?
Miss Ya

Yesterday morning I found out my mom got FIRED from her fucking job because she was stealing money from her boss to pay bills and shit and pay for our dad's doctor visits!!!!!! I can't believe she would be so fucking stupid and not think of our family and what would happen to us. I am the only one with a job!!!!!!!!
I need to...
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I need to...
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Hope things get better for you.
Halloween couldn't come at a better time for you it would seem. party have fun and be happy

st night was AWESOME!!!!! My "wifey" Melanie, her friend Bryan and I went to see the Suicide Girls burlesque show. It was so much fun. The girls were so hot!! I got a tank top and her and him got the SG book. There were 2 bands that were on before the naked gals and the bands were bad, especially the Japanese band, they sounded...
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Awesome to hear you enjoyed the show as well. Next time around I'm sure we'll recognize each other!

man, that sounds like a fuckin blast!
I am in a very blah mood right now. I have had a really off day. At about 5:15 me, my sis Char and my friends Jacque and Eddie were hanging out watching tv when we heard my neighbor Jim calling out his dog's name. I looked out the window and saw him lying on the ground, he had fallen off his motorized scooter and...
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Jeeeezus, what a day. Hope everyone's alright....
awwww darling *HUGS* I hope everything is alright and gets better