AHHHH I need to get out of this house!!! ...no real reason just been stuck here since sunday doing nothing but playing video games and watching tv shows on my computer...My social bar is low! ...as are my funds 8O
More Blogs
Monday Dec 18, 2006
Yup, still alive. -
Tuesday Jan 03, 2006
Wooo It's been a while since I last updated. Anyway, had a blast at t… -
Sunday Nov 20, 2005
I went to Islands of Adventure today to celebrate Kelly's quitting he… -
Friday Nov 18, 2005
I saw Harry Potter tonight, it was alright. A ton of stuff was left o… -
Wednesday Nov 09, 2005
AHHHH I need to get out of this house!!! ...no real reason just been … -
Tuesday Nov 08, 2005
Ugh, been down and out since Sunday with some form of sick disease. I… -
Sunday Nov 06, 2005
Today I wish for my life to consist of nothing but video games and ch… -
Saturday Nov 05, 2005
MURLOCSOHGOD!!! Talked to Kaze some and added her to my list. I ne…