Hi Everybody!
Sooo, I've been neglecting you, I apologize. I have returned to report that I am indeed alive, and well. I have been unreasonably busy lately and felt like I need to say Hi to all you lovely peoples.
I'm working 4 jobs now, like an asshole, because I apparently have an aversion to sitting still or living my life... But, the good news is I am able to afford my photography needs and build my business, which is wonderful.
I am currently trying to drum up people for some editorial ideas I have swimming around in my head, as well as build my portfolio more. Speaking of editorial submissions, I have @milenci on board for another shoot. We are going to be doing more creepy witchy stuff, which is just in time for Halloween, but honestly I wouldn't care if it was July, who doesn't like witches? ISIS that's who, don't let the terrorists win, kids.
Here is some recent stuff I've been working on.
Off to the next adventure! Bye Everybody!