I haven't written anything on here in a while ( I know, its heartbreaking) so I thought I would ramble a little while I wait for my pre workout to kick in. If this gets a lil wonky at the end you now know why.
I've seen a lot of the girls responding to @missy blog topic of the week about "what is your fav body part". Which first off, I think that's a great Idea to have a weekly blog topic, its nice to hear what all the girls have to say. Secondly I think its interesting to read some of the girls saying that they used to not like certain parts of their body. I think that is something everyone struggles with, accepting their own skin and loving themselves. It is so easy to become bogged down by the perception that there is something wrong with how you are because you don't fit this specific and most certainly imaginary image of what you are supposed to look like, as a guy or girl.
That's one of the big reasons I love SG so much, it takes the "acceptable" "mainstream" idea of what a beauty is and kicks it right in the dick. It pulls the blinders off and lets you see what the rest of the world actually looks like. A beautiful woman doesn't have to be 5'10 and 100lbs soaking wet, she can have curves, tattoos, piercings, crazy colored and cut hair and be a billion times more sexy, beautiful and awesome then any other cookie cutter type model out there. I personally would take a Suicide girl over a Victoria Secret model any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Am I enamored with SG? Absolutely, and I don't care who knows it.
Which brings me to the headline of this blog. "Acknowledge your own worth" This is something I just recently started actually doing for myself and I encourage everyone else to do the same.
I started working out again about a year and a half ago, but it wasn't until recently that I really stopped and took a second to appreciate all the hard work I have put in. I kept thinking, "oh sure I've gotten stronger, but I'm not as strong as the guys I look up to so its not that great" Which is a stupid fucking thing to do and doesn't do me any good at all. When I started lifting again I was 166lbs at 6'3 tall, that's skinny as fuck in case you are wondering. 20lb weights at the gym seemed heavy, which was embarrassing and made me feel like crap. But, I kept working at it, and now I'm up to 210lb and just Deadlifted (google it if you don't know what it is) 325lb twice. That's the most weight I've ever lifted in my life, and it didn't just happen overnight, I've busted my ass 4-6 days a week in the gym to get there.
So what am I saying? I am saying appreciate the work you have done to accomplish your goals. You don't have to beat yourself up to motivate yourself, you don't have to put yourself down because you don't look a certain way, be who you are, appreciate your own worth and be proud.
This goes out to all the Suicide girls on this site whoever got put down by a shit boyfriend, picked on in school for how you look or get down on yourself for not fitting a specific mold. You are a Suicide girl!! You are so awesome Somebody had to take a picture so the rest of the world could see it!
Gunna go pick shit up and put it down now. Peace!