Lots and lots of thoughts in my head today, going to try and funnel them into this blog with hopes that it will get off my mind.
So, I just started following @vorpal on instagram after I saw her on stage in Minneapolis at the burlesque show. I noticed one of the photos she posted just said "Pathetic Fuck" inside of a blue heart, with the comment that she lost over 100 followers after she posted 2 pics with her best guy friend and thought that it was pathetic that people would stop following because of those pictures.
Which started me thinking about followers, pin ups and the whole idea of it all.
What it comes down to is the Idea. Pin ups, as many of us know started as a way to keep the boys fighting during World War 2. They were to inspire them and give them hope, something to fight for back home, and it meant a lot to them. Those pictures of girls were posted and painted on everything as inspiration and that continues today. We now have the Suicide girls, a series of women who are so heart breakingly beautiful one must pause and catch their breath. We also have narrowed the gap between ourselves and the people we admire. things like instagram, facebook, this website, offer us all the chance to become closer to the models and celebrities we admire and get to know more about their lives.
It all builds the idea. That's the hook, every set, every blog, ever random picture builds that idea of the person into a followers head of who they are and what they are like. It builds an attachment to a person we don't really know other then what they have chosen to filter to us.Its the image, Its the thought that "I can see into her life and she, if she chooses to, can see into mine." Who hasn't day dreamed about meeting their favorite SG's? , That maybe if they were lucky they could have someone who is so special and adored find them, a regular person, special and want to get to know them. Its a pleasant thought.
Its still a fantasy though, and it can easily be upset by reality. Sure for ms. Vorpal it was just a picture of her and her buddy, but for some of her followers it was the realization and proof that she is in fact not someone they can one day have for their own, that there is competition, how ever real or imagined. It breaks the fantasy, it upsets them, and for some it was enough to stop following her. To her it may seem sad and pathetic that just because she posted a picture with her guy friend that people stopped following. She has her own life filled with people in it obviously, but to those fans it was upsetting their created image and fantasy with a reality they would rather not accept.
It is sometimes hard to believe that the girls we see on SG are real. Girls like @kemper, @mel, @phecda, @katherine just to name a few, are so staggeringly beautiful that it seems hard to imagine that they are actual people. They are the living embodiment of a muse, poetry in motion, if Helen of Troy was anywhere near as beautiful as them she could have launched more then just 1000 ships. If I were still in the Army there pictures would be covering my locker, they would be the girls that would keep me going day after day, what I'd be fighting for. Haha, I'm out now and they are still what makes me happy and gives me hope. Sure its just a dumb little day dream, but that doesn't lessen the significance, you have to find your hope somewhere. Mine just happens to be Suicide girls.
All right I'm rambling now.....The fuck am I saying?..... I guess if anything its chill out ms. Vorpal, you broke some hearts, you are going to break a lot more. Just don't get down on the silly guys for not liking reality as much as there fantasies..... I'm still following ya hahaha.