I scanned, colored and tested a page on the upcoming Webcomic that I plan to launch in January. I just need to get one of my webby friends to help me out with revamping the Flat Astronaut site. Some twisting of arms and greasing of palms may be in order.
Creativity is still, ever so gently, creeping around my desktop.
Also starting to shop for my wife for x-mas (and her birthday which is Dec 28th. Jewelry is always in vogue, but I'm kinda stumped this year. Usually I am able to get her several little small surprises (books, DVD's, CD's) that she doesn't expect, but I'm having a tougher time than usual this year.
Hell, other than gift certificates, I don't know what I'm getting ANYONE this year!
Creativity is still, ever so gently, creeping around my desktop.
Also starting to shop for my wife for x-mas (and her birthday which is Dec 28th. Jewelry is always in vogue, but I'm kinda stumped this year. Usually I am able to get her several little small surprises (books, DVD's, CD's) that she doesn't expect, but I'm having a tougher time than usual this year.
Hell, other than gift certificates, I don't know what I'm getting ANYONE this year!
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving